Picture this: You're cruising down the open road in your trusty automobile, the wind in your hair, your favorite tunes on the radio, and not a care in the world. But, wait a minute, there it is – that disgusting muddy footprint your friend just made, seemingly mocking your blissful drive. The horror! You're not alone; we've all been there, dreaming of a magical solution to the eternal conundrum of keeping our car interiors spotless. Well, dream no more, my friends, because we've got some exciting news for you! Thanks to the fantastic collaboration between SavageGeese and TuxMat, your dreams might just become a reality. A secret word will be given out during the GR Corolla YouTube video on Nov 10th and it will be mentioned again on the Nov 17th live stream so be sure to watch and listen to both closely for the clue!

Event Details:
Date: Nov 10th 2023 - Dec 1st 2023

1. Like, subscribe and hit the notification bell on the Savagegeese YouTube channel
2. Follow @tuxmatinc and @savagegeese on Instagram
3. Enter the secret word you got from Jack and Mark